Made a surprise trip up to Virginia last-last weekend to be present at Nana and Papa's 50th wedding anniversary. It was a lot of fun to surprise them and spend some quality time with the family. We had a room reserved at Dante's in Great Falls which is a very nice unpmarket Italian restaurant with a terrific atmosphere. Andrew, Craig and Lel were there, as well as Ali and Bob. And with Jake and Sam out of school at the moment for the summer the whole family was there sans Stefan. It was a shame that he couldn't be there (he's in the second stage of paramedic training in Texas) but he managed to time a phone call during the dinner, and have a few words with everyone at the table, pass-the-phone style. Sarah his home at the moment too so it was awesome to get to see her (and her current ailment).
Got to see Lel's new apartment in Reston, which is very nice, and got a trip in to Potbellies soon after my flight touched down with Andrew (DOUBLE MEAT) and Craig. Jake and I caught Spiderman 3 again at Tyson's (much better the second time) and got to spend some brotherly time together which as cool. And I met with Jev, Kev and Alex at Champs and the Tap Room for a few beers to catch up. Had to bail on a lot of plans due to very limited schedule and no vehicle access, but I'm glad I got to fit as much in as I did considering.
Sunday, the Hunt's had a graduation BBQ for Sarah and Melissa so the whole family headed over there for some good grub. It was nice to get to see her family again and spend some more time with her.

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