This weekend, in celebration of Sue’s birthday, Buck, Laura and I joined the Wolfgang’s in Cocoa Beach for a gambling cruise. I headed down Saturday mid-day and met up with Buck and Laura at the hotel we’d booked last week. Small place, nothing crazy, but right on the beach which was awesome. Had the whole section of the beach to ourselves for most of the day. Once Sue and Arnold arrived we headed to the port and got onboard. The cruise was late to leave which had some of the more serious gamblers (Kim) irritated. I find the whole idea of sailing out to international waters so you can gamble a little silly, and don’t quite understand why people have to go to such great lengths to do so… but whatever. The ship was pretty massive and had loads of money eating machines and games tables set up. I promptly lost the measly stack of bills I had allocated for the trip and hung out with the rest of our group for the majority of the trip. Sue and Arnold’s sisters were there as well as Kim from the office, so there where a fair few of us onboard. I had a good time, partially due to the free drinks Sue was flagging down from the cocktail waitress for me while she and Arnold played craps. (If you are gambling the drinks come to you and are free). So in the end I walked away with an empty wallet, but I made out like a bandit with the drinks so I feel like a winner.
After the boat came back at 1:00 we headed back to the hotel, via McDonalds and called it a night. Next day I headed to Ron Jon’s to see what allot eh billboards were about. Turns out the store is exactly like the Ron Jon’s in Orlando so no big deal. But I wanted to check it out to say that I’d been there if anything (and bought the t-shirt). Sue’s family came back down and joined us on the beach with Hayden for a while which was nice. Then I headed back.
Oh and a word for the wise… don’t take pictures in a casino. Yeah they don’t like that. Turned a few heads with the employees there (as captured in an amusing little video). Lesson learned I suppose. I have some footage of the beach and the Cruise which I’ll post as soon as Premier decides to actually work.. till then here are a few shots.

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