
The New Project Post

I’m a big fan of side projects and it’s been a good while since I actually dedicated myself to more than just thinking about one. I’m always talking about how I plan on doing this or that, but rarely get past the initial statement and a few scribbled notes filed in a binder. Where am I going with this self-deprecating rant? Not sure really. Oh yes…I wanted to announce a side project.

My project is tentatively titled “Kings Soul Project”. In an attempt to roll many of my desired projects into one, this is an umbrella-title for three separate sub-projects, which include an illustrated children’s book, a graphic novel, and an animated short, all which revolve around the same plotline and basic characters.

Due to the scope of the project I don’t anticipate being done anytime soon, or having much tangible work for a good few weeks, but that’s where the beauty of the ‘side’-part of the project comes in. Any lack of progress can be attributed to me doing ‘non-side-stuff’, which of course is very important and must take precedence. Truth being that ‘non-side-stuff’ generally will include sitting on my couch playing Xbox; going to the bar; and occasionally pretending to want to go to the gym/eat right.

I plan on sharing concept art, segments of text, artwork and progress reports as the project moves on.

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