The New Ride Post
Today was a pretty good day. Nothing much went on at the office but after work I got to head down to the garage and pick up the Celica. I didn’t get a chance to mention it on the blog, but I cashed my insurance claim check from the vandalism and bought some custom parts for my car. I went on the wild side and figured I might as well have some fun with it being that its my car now. So once the parts came in I took them to a local garage to get them installed. I love the results. The side exhausts look really cool and the wheels look sooo much better with the rims. The decals came out really nice, but I think if I could do it again I’d have designed them around the door handles a little better. Check out my tricked out whip below.

Jamie, you actually got me again. You'd think I'd have learned after the Ellen DeGeneris post last year! A good laugh! Mum xoxo
Jamie, you actually got me again. You'd think I'd have learned after the Ellen DeGeneris post last year! A good laugh! Mum xoxo
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