
The Puggy Post

Stacey spent the her birthday this weekend up in Pennsylvania picking out the newest addition to the Godzik family from a litter of fresh pug puppies. Bruce went out to pick her up from the airport today and brought the new puppy to the office for a visit. I'm not really a fan of the handbag-dogs, but this little thing was adorable! They are still debating what to call her, but I'm sure they won't have a hard time picking something suitable. The little tike enjoyed running about down the green mile* and meeting all the new people that came out of their offices to visit her as she ran past (little waddly legs and all). I gave her a little chew toy I picked up at the pet shop which she seemed to really enjoy, though she got tuckered out pretty quickly and fell as well in Stacey's arms.

*The long, green-carpeted hallways at the office.

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