
The Wantula Retrun Post

This week the Wantulas are taking an unexpected trip down to Disney World for spring break, and Andrew wanted to meet up with ‘Mr. G’ at Disney Quest, like we did last year. Its funny to see how much he and Gabby have both grown so much since I’ve been away, but it makes me feel like an hold fart to make those sort of comments, so I’ll stop right there. Andrew and I rode Cyber-Space Mountain* a fair few times, like we did last time, but Andrew’s coaster tolerance has since improved apparently because our customer coaster was focused around going upside-down as much as possible and as fast as the simulator would let us go. We hit the Buzz Lightyear bumper cars and played a little Mario Kart in the arcade area as well. I steered clear of the helmet –based VR games with the motion sickness from last year still in the back of my mind. Great to see everyone again- we had a blast.

*A pretty cool attraction where you deign your own virtual coaster on a terminal then ride your creation in a 360-degree rotating simulator.

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